Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2014

[L851.Ebook] Ebook Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D. Carroll, David Irwin

Ebook Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D. Carroll, David Irwin

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Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D. Carroll, David Irwin

Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D. Carroll, David Irwin

Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D. Carroll, David Irwin

Ebook Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D. Carroll, David Irwin

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Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D. Carroll, David Irwin

This text balances theory and practice without excessive technical or mathematical language and has coverage of current topics of interest, such as programmable devices, computer-aided design, and testability, supported by a number of illustrations, examples and problems.

  • Sales Rank: #391893 in Books
  • Published on: 1995-03-18
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Format: Lay Flat
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.30" h x 1.80" w x 8.00" l, 3.47 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 842 pages

From the Publisher
Many recent texts place instructors in the difficult position of chosing between authoritative, state-of-the art coverage and an approach that is highly supportive of student learning. This carefully developed text was widely praised by reviewers for both its great clarity and its rigor. The book balances theory and practice in depth without getting bogged down in excessive technical or mathematical language and has abundant coverage of current topics of interest, such as programmable devices, computer-aided design, and testability. An unusually large number of illustrations, examples, and problems help students gain a solid sense of how theory underlies practice.

From the Back Cover

This carefully developed piece was widely praised by reviewers for both its great clarity and its rigor. The book balances theory and practice in depth without getting bogged down in excessive technical or mathematical language and has abundant coverage of current topics of interest, such as programmable devices, computer-aided design, and testability. An unusually large number of illustrations, examples, and problems help the reader gain a solid sense of how theory underlies practice.


  • the presentation focuses on learning; it is in-depth and rigorous without getting bogged down in detail.
  • most chapters are organized in a consistent fashion that moves from theory to real-world practice:
    • the theoretical basis is carefully presented and explained with a minimum of formalism.
    • the theory is then applied to simple circuit examples.
    • the authors then move on to examples involving large circuits and modular hierarchical design and industry standard functions.
  • blends a very large number of worked examples into the book to build strong, systematic problem solving behaviors and design methodologies.
  • Provides a comprehensive, carefully integrated coverage of computer-aided design principles and practices throughout the book—practical issues discussed in the chapter lead to discussion of CAD techniques.
  • the approach of including both industry-standard functions and strong CAD coverage supports either a chip-based or a CAD modeling-based approach.
  • two in-depth chapters on programmable devices introduce the latest technologies but also emphasizes principles in a manner that prepares students for future advances in the field.

Most helpful customer reviews

11 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Contains lots of completely inaccessible information
By AMNorse
Teachers, why do you continue to choose texts that are this terrible? Do you want to drive students away? Are you trying to crush their spirits early because you think it will make them invulnerable to the drudgery of later life? Please stop. You're hurting us.

The review: The book itself is basically a collection of IC data sheets loosely strung together with the connective thread of digital logic. But it's just a thread. Accessible writing is about the last thing on these authors' minds as they happily fill page after page with circuit diagrams, often for no apparent reason at all. This book would be half the size and twice as easy to read if 90% of the data sheets had been omitted.

Concepts, even simple ones, are often explained poorly. Examples of these concepts are not always provided, but when they are it is often in a different part of the chapter. The book is utterly useless for independent study.

The questions at the end of sections are also largely useless because the solutions manual is only accessible to teachers. Why? Because I guess checking your work and comparing your methods to someone with more experience isn't the way engineering happens anymore.

There is only one positive aspect to this book: it actually works quite well as a reference. If your teacher is very good at explaining concepts (as mine was) and takes the time to go over many examples in class, then this book can act as an excellent reference for looking up particular design principles via the appendix. This makes doing independent lab work useful and gives the book some shelf life it wouldn't have otherwise.

If you're looking to learn from the book, to teach yourself or to even have something in a classroom that makes teaching easier then stay away. If you want a book that provides vast amounts of information to act as a lab reference manual for concepts and design principles, this might not be a bad choice.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Great Book!
By Dimo P.
I am second year student in Electrical Engineering. I used the book to prepare for my Digital Design exam last semester. Passed with almost 100% :)

Now I read the book for a second time, expecially the last chapters. I think this is a great book if you want to understand the basics of the Digital D&A.

You will find almost everything, from basic boolean algreba to CPLD and FPGA structure and functions. The explanations are very clear with a lot of graphics.

In conclusion: This is a TOP 1 Book for everyone who enters (and not only) the amazing world of Digital D&A. I can only recommend it.

9 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
By A Customer
Excellent book for entry level to digital design. Serves very well as reference guide for the basics on digital design. Lots of solved problems and problems to do. Some math that you can go into or skip.

See all 13 customer reviews...

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Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D. Carroll, David Irwin PDF

Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D. Carroll, David Irwin PDF

Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D. Carroll, David Irwin PDF
Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, by Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D. Carroll, David Irwin PDF

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